CBT Oxford

Telephone : 01865 980 253 or 07766 708303 or email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The services we provide

Evidence-based, effective treatment for:


    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Low Self-esteem
    • Generalised Anxiety Disorder
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / Trauma
    • Clinical Perfectionism
    • Panic Attacks / Panic Disorder (with or without Agoraphobia)
    • Social Anxiety / Social Phobia
    • Specific Phobia
    • Addiction / Substance Abuse
    • Anger Management

The therapy we offer clients for any of the above is informed by 'protocols', or clear guidelines for treatment, based on the outcome of clinical trials carried out by leading experts in each field. There is strong research evidence that this treatment is effective.

As well as being fully trained and qualified CBT practitioners, we also have many years of experience in other areas of psychology, psychotherapy and counselling. In practice, we work with our clients as individuals, not as clinical cases. We do our best to offer warmth, understanding and compassion, as we believe that the relationship and trust we establish with our clients is just as important as the course of treatment itself.

Click here to read a little more about who we are



© CBT Oxford Ltd 2023a

CBT Oxford Ltd  Registered in Engand & Wales No: 08093386
Registered Address: Dane House  26 Taylor Road  Aylesbury  Bucks HP21 8DR

websites for CBT by : YouCan Consulting